Das Team des DEHisRe-Projekt hat sich erfolgreich um die Teilnahme an dem kürzlich ausgeschriebenen Themenheft der Zeitschrift DHQ beworden. Die Gastherausgeber Dominik Gerstorfer, Evelyn Gius und Janina Jacke bereiten eine Ausgabe vor, die im Juni 2023 erscheinen soll und Beiträge im Themenbereich „Working on and with Categories for Text Analysis: Challenges and Findings from and for Digital Humanities Practices“ versammeln wird.
Der Vorschlag unseres Projekts wurde akzeptiert und nun ensteht ein Artikel zum Thema „Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues“. Der geplanten Publikation steht dann im Winter 2022-2023 ein double-blind peer review process bevor.
Our proposal for Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Issue “Working on and with Categories for Text Analysis: Challenges and Findings from and for Digital Humanities Practices”:
Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues
Historical travel research, especially the study of travelogues, has been a popular field within literary and cultural studies. However, there has not yet been any significant progress in the indexing, processing and visualisation of travelogues, either in terms of content or method despite the rise of digital humanities (including the field of digital editions, the discovery of space in social sciences and the development of geoinformation systems).
Conventional editions based on document modelling with TEI do not have the necessary expressiveness and flexibility to open up all possible use cases. In order to be able to use a digital edition as a basis for further analysis and visualisation, information must be recognised, identified, enriched with additional data and the narration of the events must be explicitly modelled.
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